Waste management planning

Manage your waste and save some money! Create a waste management plan.

Think about what kind of waste you will be producing and how you can recycle, divert or dispose of it. Set yourself a challenge to reduce 10% of the waste you send to landfill.

Just follow this simple guide

  • Reduce the amount of materials you start with. Buy only what you need.
  • Reuse the materials you have on site. Anything you can reuse is one thing less to buy.
  • Recycle what waste you can. Buy materials that you can recycle and divert waste from landfill.
  • Residual waste goes to landfill. This is the most expensive option and should be your last resort.
  • Cover your bins to prevent stormwater contamination.

Set up ways of separating your waste on site. Use separate bins to sort your waste and avoid throwing everything into one skip.
There are companies that will provide the bins and collect your waste. Go to our website for more information.

Earn some money. Some wastes, such as scrap metal can be sold on as a resource.


There is a National Environmental Standard (NES) on burning contaminants* (waste), you risk up to a $1000 fine (or prosecution) anywhere in New Zealand if you burn rubbish or waste material. Environment Canterbury has a “zero tolerance” policy for outdoor burning of waste/rubbish in the Canterbury Region.

If you see anyone burning rubbish – please call the Pollution Hotline on 0800 765 588.

A guide to Outdoor Fires in Canterbury (3 MB)

*For further information go to: Outdoor burning and Fires